Since I decided not too long ago that I wanted to give my photography more of my attention, I have been looking for every possible learning opportunity I can find. While looking through the Open Source Photography site for a little inspiration I came across an add for the Free to Succeed Tour. I had been seeing David Jays work for some time and thought that it would be worth the relatively cheap fee and if nothing else I could I could get some of that free(read cost of admission) hotel ballroom tea and soda. My only hesitation was being around a lot of other photographers. To be honest here, a lot of the photographers I've met in the last few years are not very nice people. As a matter of fact, arrogant is the word that I would use. Despite that, I paid my money and showed up on time not sure about what I was going to see.
It was worth every penny. (The show, not the "free" drinks.) Not only did I not hear the words "It's all about who you know" even though it still kind of is, I realized that some of the people at the top are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. DJ is a really good instructor and you can tell that he truly believes that what he's telling you will work for you as long as you take the time to do it. Becker , an incredible photographer and businessman from Orange County, really inspired me. I'm not a timid person, but I'm not a walk up to you and make myself a part of your life type of person either. Becker was energetic, funny and open and made me realize that a great personality that no one sees is the same as not having a personality . He and David stressed community between photographers as being the key to success. I also met a lot of really nice people like Travis, Lynsey, Denny and Steve. I'm going to mark August 14th, 2008 as the day that everything changed for me as a photographer.