Slight reference to one of my favorite flicks.
In case you're wondering what I've been up to, I'll explain. I haven't been getting quite what I needed out of this blog and I wanted lot more leverage with the design and all of the other beautifying things that people with blogs do. I'll clarify that, people who know CSS, people who know people who know CSSS or people who like to use pre-existing templates. I'm kind of the DIY type. When my wife told me she was pregnant with my now 5 year old, I immediately built her an ottoman so she could relax in style and sewed her a body pillow complete with a silky pillowcase. It wasn't a matter of cheap, making them was more expensive than buying them. Plus I had to learn woodworking to a certain extent and also learn how to sew. It was a matter of the gift representing me.
So on the tone of representing me I have a new blog here and a newly fashioned website here (the website design will change as my design skills grow). For the millions of you who do not follow my blog, you're missing out people! To the few who I call compadres, compatriots, comrads and completely insane we'll take up the journey in the new neck of the woods.
I'll see you there.