Tuesday, November 25

Finally, It has happened to me....

What seems like years ago, a supremely talented photog by the name of Jared Wilson contacted me through the b school to offer me a tag along assignment. As a professional in other areas I know what it's like to work with a relative newbie and how it's kind of like putting your reputation squarely on their shoulders and hoping for the best. I'm big on being grateful for opportunity and not taking it for granted. So thanks Jared for the shot. Maybe I'll be in the position someday to pay it back (or forward).

I'm not sure if all weddings are like this, but if they are then I'm hooked. The bride (Polly) was stunning and the groom (Jeremy) was enthusiastic and fun. Jeremy was genuinely consumed with his bride and couldn't take his eyes off her. Polly seemed to glow as he looked into her eyes. Storybook/romantic comedy type stuff. If you could put forever into a look I think they nailed it.

I wish them all the best.




  1. That's great, and what an awesome photographer to get that chance with.

    Lovely shots as well, the sepia wash look really goes well with them. Love the little kid and the camera.

  2. Thanks Mark. I had to figure out how to counter the photon blast from the SB-600.

    I was calling the little girl "my competition" all night. She was always pointed in the right direction.
