Friday, January 16

Better building materials....

(c) Teshon Christie Photography 2007

I have come to the realization that I do not like how my blog looks. I'm not an overly flashy guy, but I do have a sense of style so at a base level it's a matter of aesthetics. So I got to thinkin'....

Should I give up the blog altogether? You know, death by deletion.
No. There a couple of people who still read it, and they would come with torches and pitch forks if you were to give it up without a fight.
You have an active imagination.
What's this you stuff, buddy?

After long months (actually minutes, but many minutes over many months) I have decided to switch my blog to another service. I'm hoping it's done soon but my in-house developer (me) needs some time to get with my in-house designer (me) and put some things together. The in-house photographer, retoucher and editor (me, myself and I) need to get on the same page before progress can be made. In the meantime the writer (me) will work out how to blog twice a week with something that's more interesting and less schizophrenic. Well I guess we'll see. (Get it???) Of course you don't.


Monday, January 12

Oh what a night....

So one of my closest friends got married a couple of nights ago. I personally love weddings, being the sentimental type (and also the photographer type). Now some may say that's nice and probably stop reading, others that know me would say, where is this leading... Well my oldest boy KC was the ring bearer and I was the best man. It's nice to know that someone likes you enough to give you the double pressure of looking out for him and keeping track of the rings that you just gave to your 4 year old. I'm telling you if you want to make a grown man break down (almost) with tears of pride, dress his oldest boy up in a tux and march him down the aisle right before the bride. I'm telling you, he was Mr. Handsome (thanks to the genetic Wonder Woman I talked into marrying me) and did his job to perfection. Now if I could just get the mashed up cake stains out of the tux...

The photographer Becky Young did a top-notch job, and she was real personable too. Some photographers aren't (I'm just sayin'...). Check out her site to see some of the pics and to have a look at the most beautifulest ring bearer ever.

Though not my best shot from a technique standpoint, it's still one of my favorite ever. Call me sentimental.


Thursday, January 1

The birth of Twenty Oh Nine

(C) 2009 Teshon Christie Photography

I've decided that instead of doing a bunch of resolutions this year that may or may not change anything in my life, I would go a different route. I'm going to make some decisions. Actually just one. I have decided to BE instead of "trying to" be. I know that's probably pretty vague to anyone but me, but in reality it only matters if I understand what it means.

To celebrate the new beginning I would like to re-introduce myself and maybe shed some light as to why I haven't blogged much until now.

I don't have a huge ego so I believe that no one cares a whole lot about what I had for lunch, my favorite color or any other detail of my daily life. If I do write that it will be a stream of consciousness type of thing. I don't idolize others but I do respect everyone until given a reason not to. Even then there's no hate, just an attitude of caution. I'm kind to everyone I meet, contemplative to the point of introversion at times and have no problems being by myself, or being myself. At other times I can tell jokes all night and laugh with the best of them. I pray daily, read my Bible almost daily and work towards improving my character. I enjoy photography enough to do it for free.

*I feel that money does not equal character.
*Good friends don't have to try to be good friends.
*People will tell you who they are when you first meet them
whether or not they're trying to (We're all bad actors).
*Paying attention is the best people skill you can have.
*Love is one sided. You make your decision and stick with it, despite the other

Hello world this is me in a nutshell. Let's start this thing again, but this time really do it. No more half way, almosts, sorta theres, might bes, could've beens, what ifs, false starts and the like. Even if I'm the only one who reads this thing, it will still be worth it. So welcome.